NewsJanuary 22, 2025

Aaron Lucius took an “oath of office” Monday night.

Wilson Mayor Becton Bell administers the "oath of office" to Aaron Lucius, new fire chief.
Wilson Mayor Becton Bell administers the "oath of office" to Aaron Lucius, new fire chief.

Aaron Lucius took an “oath of office” Monday night to serve and protect his community as chief of the Wilson Fire Department.

Lucius will be following in the footsteps of his mentor P.D. Welch.

Having grown up in the fire station, Lucius said his dad Rick Lucius taught him to love the sirens and the lights. Most importantly, “He taught me to help those in need.”

Lucius attended Industrial HVAC classes at ANC while he was still in high school. In fact, he graduated from college the week before he graduated from Rivercrest in 2011. In Jan. 2012, Lucius went to work for Viskase and in Feb. 2017 his life changed forever when he went to work for Big River Steel.

He and his wife Taylor have two sons, Maverick and John. The family attend Keiser Chapel Full Gospel.
