opinionDecember 12, 2024

Dec. 12, 2024

The Thanksgiving feast is over and the Christmas ornaments are on the tree. Credit card companies are offering “introductory low rates”, department stores are offering “red tag specials”, and the crowded lines are beginning to form. For the next three weeks, we will once again be overcome with holiday spirit, good cheer, and an uncontrollable compulsion to spend, spend, spend... And, there’s nothing we can do to stop it! When the air begins to chill and the twinkling lights begin to sparkle on roof tops, we begin to shop!

Just like 99 percent of all women in the world, I love to shop; and the Christmas season gives me a great excuse. My family has now grown to somewhere around 100. That means there are lots and lots of presents to buy - not to mention friends and co-workers. I just can’t wait to get started?

But where do I look first? That is the big question. And, the answer, of course, is Osceola. Okay, I know what you are going to say. “Where are you going to shop in Osceola?” It is true that at a first glance our business base appears to be a little limited. But maybe we have to open our eyes and look a little harder. We have some great stores in Osceola. Maybe you can’t buy everything here you need, but I bet with a little imagination and creativity you could fill just about your entire Christmas list.

The most important thing to remember here is that support of the local economy is vital. Shoppers spend more money during the Christmas season than any other time of the year. And we need to keep as much of it as possible in the local economy. When you shop at home you not only support your neighbors, but you help fund the schools, libraries, and city. You help continue top line police protection, fire protection, garbage pickup etc.

You see, we truly do need each other. Have a great holiday and remember to spend you money at home first.

Sandra Brand is the editor of the NEA Town Courier and The Osceola Times. She may be reached by phone at 870-563-2615 or by email at brand@osceolatimes.com.
