Delta Brew Coffee Company in Osceola hosted a sponsorship event for St. Jude benefiting John’s Courageous Carriers on Thursday, Sept.26. John Lucius was there serving morning coffee to all of the morning customers!
John Lucius is the three-year-old son of Aaron and Taylor Lucius of Wilson. He has been a patient at St. Jude for two years. John’s doctors diagnosed him with a blood disorder called spherocytosis in October of 2022. At the first appointment, the family realized how vital a wagon would be to patients at St. Jude. Patients typically have very long days of appointments, have multiple days of them or are living at St. Jude for care for a period of time. Families often times are uprooted from their “normal” lives and have their entire families living at St. Jude for a period of time.
Realizing the stress put on families to help care for their loved ones, as well as, care for the entire family in this difficult time was eye opening. Aaron and Taylor then realized there was a need and wanted to help meet that need, and John’s Courageous Carriers was born. These wagons provide families and patients with the ease of access to go about the hospital keeping their belongings together. They also allow patients comfort of having their own space when receiving treatments to relax and feel protected.
When Delta Brew heard about John’s mission, they immediately jumped on board to help the cause!
“We are so grateful to the owners of Delta Brew, the Gonzalez family, and the entire Delta Brew staff for stepping out to help John,” said John’s parents. “We are so grateful to a community who gave with such a big heart! We raised enough money to give three wagons! It may not seem much to some, but to a family whose uprooted from home, their wagon becomes like home. “Only Jesus can turn a diagnosis into a mission, and we are so incredibly blessed for the opportunity to be a willing vessel for Jesus,” the parents stated.