newsJanuary 15, 2025

At the Osceola School Board meeting, updates included the transition of Filipino teachers, a revised Crisis Plan, middle school improvements, and discussions on enrollment and district contracts.

The Osceola School Board took little action at its monthly meeting Monday but received updates on multiple topics.

Local Education Agency Veronica Gavin reviewed the transition of the district’s seven Filipino teachers to the area and their respective schools. As part of a pilot program, they were hired to teach in the district where five currently are on staff at the high school and two at Carroll Smith Elementary.

The district team met with the teachers and discussed the transition where they learned that despite some early behavioral issues in the classroom, the seven are transitioning well. Gavin said the Filipinos mentioned they are unaccustomed to the support offered by the district but “I encouraged them to ask for help if they needed it.”

Gavin will have a follow up meeting soon to continue processing their transition.

Assistant superintendent Toshiba Pugh briefed the board on the district’s revised Crisis Plan in the event of campus or district wide emergencies.

Pugh collaborated with the district’s school resource officers and principals to standardize a plan for each campus and the district itself. This included the establishment of cam-pus crisis teams.

She provide the written plan to each board member.

In addition, middle school principal Christel Smith updated the board members on the middle school’s improvement plan. Smith told the board the number of non-traditional teachers reduced from seven to five and that she is offering support to ensure the remaining five stay on track to earn their licensure. The district is working with Arkansas Northeastern College for additional help.

Smith identified the improvement in literacy at the seventh and eighth grades, while at the same time recognizing the fifth and sixth grades have the most Level 1 students.

As part of his report, Superintendent Charles Webster informed the board that enrollment stands at 869 students down slightly from the previous semester.

He asked the board to consider renewal of the district’s contract with Southern Lawn Care and the purchase of a vehicle for the athletic director. The board tabled the lawn care contract and asked for additional quotes. They will review the quotes for the vehicle purchase and discuss at next month’s meeting.

Webster also asked the board members to submit their training hours and financial statement by Jan. 31 as required by Act 589 of 2017.
